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What Is SEO?

What Is SEO?

How Does SEO Work?

In the past, when you wanted to find information about an industry, you might have consulted a friend, looked up a company in the phone book, or even gone to the library. Now, you can hop onto a search engine and type in a few keywords.

The goal of SEO is to get your business to come up as close to the top of the search results as possible. If you run a construction business in Dallas, Texas, you would want to rank #1 for the phrase “construction company in Dallas” or “builder Dallas TX,” right? That’s how SEO can help your business: it gets you closer to the top of search engines for these related phrases.

SEO involves a number of different tactics, including adding relevant keywords to your website, gaining links from other websites, and optimizing small elements like your page speed and length. SEO best practices are always evolving to keep pace with the search engines themselves, which frequently reevaluate how they rank websites.

The reason so many companies use SEO is to get a boost in traffic, which often leads to an increase in leads and conversions. Additionally, blogging is another way that a company can gain more leads, and that’s why putting them together can create a powerful marketing program for your business!

How SEO and Blogging Work Together

Blog posts are helpful for your site’s SEO for three main reasons:

  1. They provide fresh content for websites
  2. They offer great ways to work in the keywords you want to rank for
  3. They invite links from other high quality websites

Let’s take an in-depth look at each one of these factors, and explain how blogging can help improve your search engine optimization.

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